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AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Table of Contents

Feature Enhancements

Heads Up - What Else You Should Know

Beta Programs

Resolved Issues

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In January, we released the v4.5.17 Controller and Enterprise Console as well as key product enhancements and agent updates. We also resolved a series of issues associated with the previous release.


Please note: customers are advised to check backward compatibility in the Agent and Controller Compatibility documentation


What highlights should I know about?

These release highlights include the newest features and capabilities at-a-glance this month. In the grid below, we’ve flagged who may be most interested or impacted in your organization by each enhancement.




User and Performance


Admin and Implementer


AIOps Platform

Redesigned ServiceNow integration


Business Insights

Experience Journey Map Beta


Cloud Native / DevOps

IAM Role Designation for CloudWatch Integration 



Ease of Use

Added vizualization capabilities in Dash Studio


Enhanced CRUD API for health rules and policies




AIOps Platform

ServiceNow users can now see which applications and services their infrastructure supports together with the customer experience they deliver, their business impact and technical health. Upon issues, users can seamlessly navigate from ServiceNow views right into AppDynamics, in context, for analysis and resolution.


To learn more about the .NET Core 3.0 support along with our support for key Azure technologies, view our webinar on November 20, and access our documentation.


Business Insights

The Experience Journey Map beta provides customers with the ability to visualize all their most important journeys throughout the application. Customers will see these journeys in the context of performance to determine where investment can enhance the experience for the most number of users. SaaS customers can enroll in the beta via the registration form.


Cloud Native / DevOps

We have added IAM Role Delegation to allow you to connect your Amazon account to AppDynamics. AppDynamics uses the Amazon CloudWatch API to obtain metrics in near real-time from your Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources and applications. This combination of AppDynamics and AWS cloud-native monitoring helps identify and diagnose a variety of issues within a single Controller. For more information, see Customize Flow Maps


Ease of Use

Leverage the Health Status widgets in Dash Studio to display critical health information on your dashboards. Plus, all customers can now gain granular insights into performance trends across 2 different time periods by leveraging time range comparisons within the Time Series widget


Manage more easily and programmatically automate your applications’ alerting at scale, with the enhanced CRUD API to programmatically configure, modify, delete and replicate your health rules and policies across numerous applications.


Heads up - What else you should know 

To help you more easily understand the length of support, compatibility, and stability, AppDynamics will implement a calendar-based approach to versioning for all downloadable products starting March 2020. The release version format will reflect the date of release like so: YY. Mo. X (ex: 20.3.0 for a March 2020 release). For more information, read the FAQ here.


Share your feedback! Participate in a Beta today

We’re currently running  three Beta programs and looking for your feedback:

  • Submit feedback on the Dash Studio Preview through the in-product feedback button or on Community here
  • Sign up for the Experience Journey Map beta available for all SaaS customers by completing the registration form.
  • Sign up for the Beta program for our Lambda Python Serverless Tracer using our self service form. There's more information on our Serverless APM for AWS Lambda page. The tracer's language matches your AWS function code's implementation.


Resolved Issues

The following list notes key issues that were resolved this month. To see a complete of this month's resolved issues, see Resolved Issues by Month — January 2020


Controller - Analytics

  • Updating data collector config enabled for transaction analytics throws 500 ISE (ANALYTICS-11955)
  • ADQL graphs display "no data found" when data is received (ANALYTICS-12005)
  • Analytics unable to locate internal Events Service endpoint to connect Analytics with the Java Agent (ANALYTICS-12178)
  • Analytics - Table widget is missing progress bar and toolbar (ANALYTICS-12216)
  • [4.5.17] Analytics fails to sync with controller if Access Key is changed by using License Rules   (ANALYTICS-12270)



  • Shared dashboard does not display health status of server widgets (UIPLATF-8660)


Database Agent

  • Fixed in - Rework event pipeline so it doesn't consume threads (CLUSTERMON-133)
  • MSSQL: Hardware CPU %Busy issue (DBMON-5753)
  • CLONE - None of the DB collectors are reporting after controller upgrade to 4.5.17 (DBMON-6201)


Enterprise Console

  • The MySQL Timezone file now installs in the correct folder for the Enterprise Console Windows installation (ECONSOLE-5711)
  • The table_definition_cache value was increased to prevent database schema upgrade failures (ECONSOLE-5747)



  • Nodejs agent does not capture stack trace on uncaught exceptions after v4.5.14 (DLNATIVE-2549)


Synthetic Private Agent

  • IE11 agents lock up when attempting a URL measurement (SYNTH-4271)



  • The script '' of the Synthetic Server installer fails if the environment has no JRE    (SYNTH-4620)
  • Provisioning pure On-premise license throws HMAC error (SYNTH-4940)



  • Crash groups are now updated correctly with last seen timestamp for On-premise Controllers (CDM-5802)
  • The Incident drill down page now redirects to the appropriate application based on the application context (SERVER-6935)
  • The Machine Agent no longer shows availability greater than 100% (SERVER-7930) 

Get Started

Download Essential Components (Agents, Enterprise Console, Controller (on-prem), Events Service, EUM Components)

Download Additional Components (SDKs, Plugins, etc.)

AppDynamics Upgrade Checklist For Any Release

Product Announcements, Alerts, and Hot Fixes



Can’t find what you’re looking for? Need more assistance? Ask a question in the Latest Release forum.

Version history
Last update:
‎10-01-2020 03:39 PM
Updated by:
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