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Feature Enhancements

Resolved Issues

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We have released the v4.5.13 Controller and Enterprise Console (actual date August 27). Below are key product enhancements, recent agent updates and resolved issues in the month of August.


Please note: customers are advised to check backward compatibility in the Agent and Controller Compatibility documentation


What highlights should I know about?

These release highlights include the newest features and capabilities at-a-glance this month. In the grid below, we’ve flagged who may be most interested or impacted in your organization by each enhancement.


User and Performance
Admin and Implementer


OpenTracing Support


Cross-BT Correlation


Increased Retention of Granular Metrics




Business IQ Landing Page



Persistence Thresholds



CloudWatch Integration (ELB)






OpenTracing Support

New open-source observability standards are gaining steam every day and we are proud to be one of the first to support the OpenTracing Project.  The new OpenTracer uses OpenTracing APIs to capture all the BTs, Snapshots, SEPs, Callgraphs, etc. and corresponding metrics from your self-instrumented applications. 


As a generic OpenTracing implementation, our Tracer can be used with any framework or user application which has OpenTracing calls and it will be able to capture the AppD relevant information to the Controller.


For an overview and more information, see Open Tracing Support.


Isolate Problems and Monitor Dependencies with Cross-BT Correlation

Cross-BT Correlation will enable service owners to identify or rule out any external downstream dependencies or callers as a root cause before investigating a problem with your service.


With the Cross-BT hovercard, you’ll see which downstream BT your service is calling and monitor downstream BTs that your service is dependent on by showing its dependencies n levels deep and showing its callers for a given BT.  Now you can filter snapshots by the calling BT and see the calling BT details in the snapshots.


For more information, see the APM Platform Notes.


Increased Retention of Granular Metrics

In AppDynamics SaaS version 4.5.13, retention of one-minute granularity of metrics data in the Controller has been increased from one day to eight days. This increased retention allows you more time for detailed analysis, reduces the need to export data for external retention and allows AppD to build new features using machine learning to automatically configure new baselines and health rules using this historical data.




For more information, see release notes for 4.5.13.


Business IQ Landing Page

Analytics now has a landing page that consolidates key data from the transaction, browser, and mobile events. The new Analytics Home page gives you a holistic view of your Analytics data, consolidating data from the backend to end user sessions in one, out-of-the-box screen. You can now copy text from the results of your ADQL queries for use in other queries.

Reduce Transient Alert Noise with Persistence Thresholds

AppDynamics now allows you to define 'Persistence Thresholds' for health rule conditions. This reduces alert noise and ensures that false alerts are minimized. You can define the 'number of times metric performance data should exceed the defined threshold' to constitute a violation and subsequently trigger an alert. This way, any temporary threshold violation is ignored. For more information, see Persistence Thresholds


HealthRulesPersistence Threshold.png




CloudWatch Integration (ELB)

AppDynamics users can now view Amazon-hosted entities and data in several products by connecting their Amazon account to AppDynamics. AppDynamics uses the Amazon CloudWatch API to obtain metrics in near real-time from your Amazon Web Services (AWS) resources and applications. This combination of AppDynamics and AWS cloud-native monitoring helps identify and diagnose a variety of issues within a single Controller. For more information, see Customize Flow Maps.


Resolved Issues

The following list notes key issues that were resolved this month: 



  • Analytics search throws error “Current user does not have access to current account details” for all non-admin users (ANALYTICS-10851)


  • View button working correctly when using https endpoints (APMPLAT-7641)
  • Object Instance Tracking: NullPointerException thrown when agent configuration is absent on all hierarchy levels (APMPLAT-11234)
  • Potential Issues with blank line items display correctly for error snapshot (APMPLAT-11861)
  • Invocation Trace is blank (APMPLAT-12073)
  • Update the JRE bundled with the EUM Server to the latest 1.8.x release (EUMPLAT-131)



  • DB agent stops sending entity collectors data to all collectors (DBMON-5012)


  • Metric Browser for SIM not working correctly after upgrade (SERVER-6610)



  • Upgrade the Enterprise Console’s and Controller’s MySQL version to include the latest security updates (ECONSOLE-4183)
  • EUM installer is bundled with MySQL 5.7.26 or the latest version (EUMPLAT-180)
  • EUM license module shouldn’t be updated when someone accesses the license usage from the Controller UI (EUMPLAT-191)


  • Highcharts are displaying graph times in UTC instead of the customer’s time zone (UIPLATF-7168)


Get Started

Download Essential Components (Agents, Enterprise Console, Controller (on-prem), Events Service, EUM Components)

Download Additional Components (SDKs, Plugins, etc.)

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Version history
Last update:
‎10-01-2020 03:37 PM
Updated by:
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