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Retrieving LDAP URL with Java Custom Endpoints


Currently attempting to set up a Custom Java Endpoint to retrieve LDAP URL that is being monitored by the Java Agent.  I have attempted several configurations but none seem to be working.  I am currently using this doc: However, it still only recovers the automated backend LDAP information.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!


AppDynamics Team

Hi Chris,

Thanks for posting question to the community!

I'd like to recommend you to add a getter method for Ldap Url in your source code and then use Custom Exit Point again.

Here are screenshot of my demo and result, please check them.
<Ldap source code screenshot>(figure1)
<Controller screenshot>(figure2)
<Custom Exit Points screen shot>(figure3, figure4)

Hope this answer helps!

Best regards,

AppDynamics Team

Hi Chris,

Please let me add a new comment.

If you don't want to add getter method for LDAP URL in your source code, you could also use "Data Collector" to retrieve LDAP URL.
Here is the document about "Data Collector".


Then you can get results by using "Searches" in Analytics.
Here are some documents about how to use Analytics.
Configure Transaction Analytics:


Searches in Analytics:


Custom Method Invocation Data




Please refer to my new screenshot if you need.
<Data Collector screeshot>(figure10, figure11)
<Results of Controller>(figure12)

Hope this answer helps!

Best regards,

Thank you Xiangning, your answer was just what I needed to get an understanding of what needed to happen.  Unfortunately, the source code cannot be changed so the Data collector option is our only option.  

Hi Xiangning, I wanted to thank you for the guidance.  I was able to retrieve the LDAP URL through the Data Collector.  My question is if it's possible to parse the information collected to just show the URL and not everything else.  Or is this just a limitation of AppDynamics?

AppDynamics Team

Hi Chris,

Thanks for contacting me.

Unfortunately, currently it's impossible to parse the information unless you fine-tuned your Data Collector config in a way to get the return of LDAP URL value only.
If you have a method using LDAP URL only, maybe you can try to get results from that method.


Best regards,

You can use java commands like split to parse info you return as part of the collector.  You can also parse out whatever you want in the Analytics part, in your query.

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