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POJO rule is not generating BT


We are using a Fujitsu product called Corema Context Server to service transactions from our PoS system. The service runs in a Glassfish Java application instance on prem. I have successfully installed the Java Agent and I can the base BT that requests to the service generates:




I wanted to try and get some more calls instrumented so Fujitsu sent along a document that describes what certain classes and methods do in their system. The first one that I tried to instrument is visible in Live Preview but is not generating a BT:

Method: processRequest








As you can see the class is detected and the cooresponding method is also detected.

Also, as you can see below I do not have transaction detection locked down:Transaction Detection Configuration for BTs.PNG


No matter what I do I cannot get App Dynamics to generate a BT for the call! Here is the dialog from the configuration of transaction detection:

Customer Search Request BT detection dialog Page 1.PNGCustomer Search Request BT detection dialog Page 2.PNG












Hi Scott,


Try the below steps :


In the Rule Configuration:


1st step - Match Classes with a class name that " Equals "  & Method Name " Contains "  ( restart the jvm/process tied to the app agent ) 


If the 1st step doesn't work, try the below 2nd step:


2nd step - Match Classes with a class name that " Contains "  & Method Name " Contains "  ( restart the jvm/process tied to the app agent ) 


Restarting the JVM & applying the traffic that invokes the class name and method is must. 


Give it a try and let me know if that works. 




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