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Guidewire Java LinkageError using AppDynamics JavaAgents


Subject: Guidewire Java LinkageError using AppDynamics JavaAgents


After adding AppDynamic JavaAgents (v4.5.14.27768) to our UAT environment we had a java.lang.LinkageError: gw/job/sxs/SideBySideProcess$ParallelQuoteCallable occur when performing a Side by side parallel quote request in Guidewire PolicyCenter (Auto insurance product). A message on Guidewire's Community Website says “Whenever projects encounter LinkageError exceptions with the class loader and AppDynamics is being used, we suggest trying to disable AppDynamics and see whether the LinkageErrors still occur.”

We are using Tomcat v7.0.90 and after removing the Java Options (listed below) to load AppD's JavaAgent, this issue goes away. We are already using the <custom-exclude filter-type> tag seen below. The execution stack is listed below. Does anyone have any leads or solutions?


Java Options for loading AppD:





In file: <agent-install-dir>\ver4.x.x.x\conf\app-agent-config.xml

Under: "<bci-processing-excludes>"

Add: <custom-exclude filter-type="STARTSWITH" filter-value="" />




We also added the following properties and the LinkageError has resolved:


<agent-service name="BCIEngine" enabled="true">
<property name="exclude.classes.from.class.loader.1" value="" />
<property name="exclude.classes.from.class.loader.2" value="gw.internal.gosu.compiler.GosuClassLoader" />
<property name="exclude.classes.from.class.loader.3" value="" />
<property name="exclude.classes.from.class.loader.4" value="" />



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