since ‎02-19-2023

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  • 12 Posts
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  • 5 Kudos given
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What predefined templating variables can be used to get below details for a synthetic event,I tried#foreach ($item in ${fullEventList})#endbut could get only summary and event details, How can other details be fetched  
Hi,We use SAP Cloud ALM for monitoring SAP SaaS based applications. Is there any way alerts raised in the tool can brought to event section of AppDynamics using HTTP requests or any other means.External tool has a capability to communicate with other...
My Dashboards when seen by logging into portal is looking fine.But when opened using the shareable link it is not loading data completely (showing while blocks in place of widgets)Can anyone help me out with this?
What kind of KPI's are supported when KPI Analyzer is enabled.
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