Users who can edit the dashboards can also share dashboards. The following is the screenshot for users who can view, edit and share the dashboards.
If you want to remove the share option for all few set of users follow the below steps:
Goto Adminis...
Description:In a custom dashboard if you insert a widget with metric expression and have at least one one variable with the no data; the widget will display “No data Available”.
Example:Let us consider you want to add metrics “Calls per Minute” and “...
If the “Share” permission in Dashboard under “Administration” section is not visible, follow the steps in resolution section.
We need to add “authz.dashboard.share.enabled” property in the account settings and set the value to True.
Hello SRE.DevNEt Team, This looks like the license issue. Can you confirm if you have enough license for Server Visibility? You can check this by logging into controller as admin > clicking on Settings icon on top right corner and choosing "License"...
Hello Daniel, Can you confirm the steps at were followed? If pod securities are in place then follow "Cluster Agent Pods Are Not Created When Security Policy Is ...
Hello Casey, Can you see if the below link can help you retrieve the health rule violations:
Hello Sagar, Can you check if the following Azure Monitoring Extension will help: