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AppDynamics Team (Retired)


For demo purposes when the customer wants to install everything (i.e. Enterprise Console, Controller, Events service and EUM ) on the same node, the steps below can be used to install the Events Service on the same node as Enterprise Console (EC).


Steps to install

1. Install Enterprise Console following the instructions outlined here.

2. Start the Enterprise Console.

./bin/ start-platform-admin
Starting Enterprise Console Database
***** Enterprise Console Database started *****
Starting Enterprise Console application
Waiting for the Enterprise Console application to start.........
***** Enterprise Console application started on port 9191 *****

3. Log in to the Enterprise Console.

./bin/ login --user-name admin --password secret
Login successful.

4. Create a platform.

./bin/ create-platform --name sample_platform --installation-dir /home/ubuntu/appdynamics/sample_platform
Created platform: sample_platform
1. The installation path should be writable for all hosts added to this platform.
2. The path should be an empty folder, or will be created if it doesn't exist.
3. Use a path which does not have any existing AppDynamics components installed under it.
If you will be issuing many commands in a row for the same platform, you can avoid repeatedly specifying the --platform-name flag by setting the environment variable APPD_CURRENT_PLATFORM to the name of a platform.
If you specify the --platform-name flag to any command, this will override the value of the environment variable.

5. Add a host, but use default platformadmin host for this. Adding credentials isn't required!

./bin/ add-hosts --hosts platformadminAdding new hosts to a platform and making configuration updates.
( 1/ 12) Check new hostnames: SUCCESS
( 2/ 12) Validate SFTP configuration: Establish connection to the remote host
( 2/ 12) Validate SFTP configuration: Verify connection
( 2/ 12) Validate SFTP configuration: Examine sshd config file
( 2/ 12) Validate SFTP configuration: Verify subsystem is configured
( 2/ 12) Validate SFTP configuration: SUCCESS
( 3/ 12) Add hosts to Enterprise Console: SUCCESS
( 4/ 12) Initialize Orcha Cluster and save Cluster configuration: SUCCESS
( 5/ 12) Add hosts to Orcha Cluster: SUCCESS
( 6/ 12) Unpack JRE artifact: Unarchive binary in staging
( 6/ 12) Unpack JRE artifact: SUCCESS
( 7/ 12) Unpack orcha-modules artifact: Unarchive binary in staging
( 7/ 12) Unpack orcha-modules artifact: SUCCESS
( 8/ 12) Configure orcha logging: Set orcha modules root log location
( 8/ 12) Configure orcha logging: SUCCESS
( 9/ 12) Bootstrap hosts: Copy JRE to the remote host
( 9/ 12) Bootstrap hosts: Copying orcha modules to the remote host
( 9/ 12) Bootstrap hosts: Set permissions
( 9/ 12) Bootstrap hosts: Getting status of orcha modules on the remote host
( 9/ 12) Bootstrap hosts: Verifying the presence of remote Orcha
( 9/ 12) Bootstrap hosts: SUCCESS
( 10/ 12) Delete jre staging directory: Delete JRE staging area
( 10/ 12) Delete jre staging directory: SUCCESS
( 11/ 12) Delete orcha modules staging directory: Delete Orcha staging area
( 11/ 12) Delete orcha modules staging directory: SUCCESS
( 12/ 12) pa_publish_add_host_stage: SUCCESS
Enterprise Console host expansion completed.
Job duration: 14 seconds


6. Install the Events Service on the platformadmin host.

./bin/ submit-job --service events-service --job install --args serviceActionHost=platformadmin profile=Dev
( 1/ 26) Clean up orphaned Events Service: SUCCESS
( 2/ 26) Register Events Service Lifecycle Listener before installing: SUCCESS
( 3/ 26) Validate and set parameters while installing ES: SUCCESS
( 4/ 26) Setup cluster configuration: SUCCESS
( 5/ 26) Initialize Events service cluster: SUCCESS
( 14/ 26) Set JRE Versions: SUCCESS
( 15/ 26) Check Events Service hostnames: SUCCESS
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check total free memory
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check total number of processors
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Verify if the required directories exists
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Get permissions of given directories
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check if the given directories are writable
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Get stats of install/data directories
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check if the destination installation directory has sufficient space
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check if the destination data directory has sufficient space
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Stop the Events Service api store node
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check if ports are available
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Fail if ports unavailable
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: SUCCESS
( 17/ 26) Save Events Service Cluster Configuration: SUCCESS
( 18/ 26) Add new nodes to Events Service cluster: SUCCESS
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Getting status of Events Service artifact
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Verifying the presence of Events Service artifacts
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Copying Events Service binaries to target host
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Extracting Events Service binaries on remote host
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Moving extracted folder into Events Service processor
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Adding executable permissions to the Events Service startup script for NIX system
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Removing temporary directories
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Creating Events Service unarchived template directory
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Unarchive Events Service properties template
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Updating Events Service configuration
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Removing Events Service unarchived template directory
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Removing Events Service template in nodes
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Create JRE 8 link on windows
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Install service if on windows
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Starting the Events Service api store node
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: SUCCESS
( 20/ 26) Load Events Service cluster configuration: SUCCESS
( 21/ 26) Load all ES cluster hosts into execution context.: SUCCESS
( 22/ 26) es_cluster_health_stage: SUCCESS
( 23/ 26) Clean up obsolete Events Service: SUCCESS
( 24/ 26) Register Events Service Recurring Cluster Health Job: SUCCESS
( 25/ 26) Register Events Service Recurring Node Health Job: SUCCESS
( 26/ 26) es_publish_install_stage: SUCCESS
Job completed successfully.
Job duration: 1 minutes 15 seconds



1. Check the Events Service node.

./bin/ list-nodes --service events-service
Available nodes in the events-service service:
api-store member on host platformadmin in state: "running" with roles: master


2. Verify the Events Service health.

./bin/ show-events-service-health 
( 1/ 3) Load Events Service cluster configuration: SUCCESS
( 2/ 3) Load all ES cluster hosts into execution context.: SUCCESS
( 3/ 3) es_cluster_health_stage: SUCCESS
Health status: HEALTHY

Job duration: 6 seconds

hi @Gaurav.Soni 

I'm trying to install the events service from the console but i get 

[root@console platform-admin]# bin/ install-events-service --profile prod --hosts eventsservice eventsservice-02 eventsservice-03 --data-dir /opt/appdynamics/eventsservice --platform-name AppDPlatform
Installing Events Service on new nodes.
( 1/ 26) Clean up orphaned Events Service: SUCCESS
( 2/ 26) Register Events Service Lifecycle Listener before installing: SUCCESS
( 3/ 26) Validate and set parameters while installing ES: SUCCESS
( 4/ 26) Setup cluster configuration: SUCCESS
( 5/ 26) Initialize Events service cluster: SUCCESS
( 14/ 26) Set JRE Versions: SUCCESS
( 15/ 26) Check Events Service hostnames: SUCCESS
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check total free memory
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check total number of processors
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Verify if the required directories exists
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Get permissions of given directories
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check if the given directories are writable
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Get stats of install/data directories
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check if the destination installation directory has sufficient space
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check if the destination data directory has sufficient space
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Stop the Events Service api store node
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Check if ports are available
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: Fail if ports unavailable
( 16/ 26) Verify hosts: SUCCESS
( 17/ 26) Save Events Service Cluster Configuration: SUCCESS
( 18/ 26) Add new nodes to Events Service cluster: SUCCESS
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Getting status of Events Service artifact
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Verifying the presence of Events Service artifacts
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Copying Events Service binaries to target host
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Extracting Events Service binaries on remote host
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Moving extracted folder into Events Service processor
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Adding executable permissions to the Events Service startup script for NIX system
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Adding executable permissions to the Events Service module scripts for NIX system
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Removing temporary directories
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Creating Events Service unarchived template directory
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Unarchive Events Service properties template
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Updating Events Service configuration
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Removing Events Service unarchived template directory
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Removing Events Service template in nodes
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Create JRE 8 link on windows
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Install service if on windows
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: Starting the Events Service api store node
( 19/ 26) Install Events Service: SUCCESS
( 20/ 26) Load Events Service cluster configuration: SUCCESS
( 21/ 26) Load all ES cluster hosts into execution context.: SUCCESS
( 22/ 26) es_cluster_health_stage: FAILED
Events Service installation failed.
Failure occurred: es_cluster_health_stage
Error message:
Unable to check health of Events Service hosts [eventsservice-03, eventsservice-02, eventsservice] through port 9080.
AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hi Abdul,


As per the logs, the ES seems to have started but the EC is not able to get the health check report from each node. Maybe the events-service or elasticsearch process went down again.

Go on each node and verify if both events-service and elasticsearch process running on all nodes.

ps -ef|grep event

if they are not running check ES logs to see any error. 

If this is not clear then raise a support case and attach es logs to it. We will be happy to help further. 






Version history
Last update:
‎09-27-2018 04:11 PM
Updated by:
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