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A complete checklist and compatibility matrices for Controller, Agents, and platform components

NOTE: The information in this article is not release-specific. You can reference it for any release.

Before you upgrade your Controller, you’ll want to be familiar with how the new Controller version you’re targeting interacts with the Agents in your environment. 

  • How does the version compatibility for Controllers and component agents map to your environment?
  • Are there interim versions you need to consider?
  • Do you know where to find reference information and instructions so you can upgrade those components successfully?

To ensure you know the steps to follow for a successful release upgrade, we recommend starting with this article and then following the instructions in our upgrade checklists (links available below).


In this article...


Upgrade Checklist Any Release v2.png


Before you begin, be sure to conduct a compatibility review

Before upgrading any component, we recommend you review available information about version compatibility between the target Controller and all the Agents relevant to your environment:

✓ Product Announcements and Alerts
✓ Version Compatibility Matrices
✓ Compendium of Upgrade Checklist Articles


Review Product Announcements and Alerts

Review the Product Announcements and Alerts page to discover and understand the details of upgrading any intermediate versions between your current Controller version and the one you’re targeting.


Review Agent-to-Controller version compatibility grids

Review the Agent-to-Controller and Database Agent-to-Controller compatibility grids below for various components of the AppDynamics environment. 

NOTE: For complete details about component compatibility, see our Community and technical documentation.





v4.3.x v4.4.x v4.5.x v20.3 - future releases


The Analytics Agent’s version should be:

  • less than or equal to the Controller’s version
  • and also less than or equal to the Event Service version
Apache Web Server  The Apache Web Server Agent’s version should be less than or equal to the Controller’s version


4.x - 4.3

4.4.1 - 20.x (1)

4.5 - 20.x (1)

 4.4 - 20.x (1)(2)

JavaScript (ADRUM) The JavaScript Agent’s (ADRUM) version should be less than or equal to the EUM Server version


4.x - 4.3

4.4.1 - 20.x (1)

4.5 - 20.x (1)

 4.4 - 20.x (1)(2)


4.x - 4.3

4.4.1 - 20.x (1)

4.5 - 20.x (1)

 4.4 - 20.x (1)(2)

(1) Controller version supports through the most recent released Agent version
(2) Controller version does not support Agent version 4.1


Database Agent-to-Controller Version Compatibility

NOTE: The AppDynamics DB Agent isn’t backward compatible. Its version should be less than or equal to the Controller version.

DB Agent-to-
Controller Compatibility




v20.3 -future releases

DB Agent

4.1-4.3 (1)

4.1-4.4 (1)

4.1-4.5 (1)

4.1 - 20.x (1)(2)

(1) Controller version supports through the most recently released Database Agent version
(2) DB Agent is only compatible up to its corresponding Controller version


Other compatibility considerations

On-premises compatibility

Things to keep in mind when you have an on-premises deployment:

  1. The Controller version should be less than or equal to the EUM Server version, and should also be less than or equal to Events Service version

  2. The EUM Server version should be less than or equal to the Events Service version

  3. The Java Script Agent version should be less than or equal to the EUM Server's version


Agent backward compatibility

Starting with release v.4.5x, backward compatibility is supported on the following agents:

  • Java
  • .NET
  • Node.js
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Go SDK
  • C/C++
  • Machine


How do you determine your Controller version?

  1. On your Controller’s Home page, click the Settings gear on the upper right.

  2. Then click About AppDynamics above the logout option.
    Home > Overview > Settings  > then click About AppDynamicsHome > Overview > Settings > then click About AppDynamics

  3. A dialog box with the Controller’s current version and build will appear.
    "About AppDynamics” dialog box, headed by the Controller version and build"About AppDynamics” dialog box, headed by the Controller version and build



Next Steps: Checklists for upgrading each component

After following the recommendations in this article, refer to the relevant upgrade checklists for each type of AppDynamics component: 

NOTE: These guides are not release-specific and can be referenced for any release.

Last Updated: 7/20/20


Table looks better! Second and third rows should be Java, .Net , Machine as they are part of the table cells. 

AppD SUpport often recommends latest and greatest version, and then we find blockers!

4.5.16-4.5.18 Analytica agent had a serious license bug that caused a Production outage for application.


THere has to be a recommended STABLE version also.. God knows we have upgraded to several AppD agent versions only for AppD Support coming back and saying that has a bug and upgrade to yet another version. 



AppDynamics Team (Retired)

Hey, @Venkat.Subramani: Thanks for sharing your experience! I suspect other customers will find it valuable.

Claudia Landivar

Community Manager & Editor

Version history
Last update:
‎01-28-2025 11:11 AM
Updated by:
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