How do we install java agent using jenkins?
Hi, How do we install a java agent using Jenkins?
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Hi, How do we install a java agent using Jenkins?
The Java Agent for IBM WebSphere collects the following metric by default Metric Browser --> Application Infrastructure Performance --> <TIERNAME> -->JVM --> Threads --> Current No. of Threads What does this value correspond to in IBM WebSphere? ...
Hey There, I recently integrated my Ping Access server with Appdynamics. I am able to the business transaction thanks to the steps listed here. But after i intregated my Ping Access server with Appdynamics, the Ping Access is taking more than 100s t...
Hello, After updating WebLogic from version 12.1 to and Java from 6 to 8 (1.8.0_191), we start getting some "JBO-27122: SQL error during statement preparation" errors.After some investigation we remove AppDynamics from our start scripts an...
hi team, we have application with IBM WebSphere, but the user run service with command line and start stop the application from command line too, so i think i cant put the argument in the IBM WebSphere console. Have any of you ever installed an agent...
Could you please let us know if analytics-agent- version is compatible with jdk1.7?We are getting this error with jdk1.7 "Unsupported major.minor version 52.0" If not please let us know the analytics agent version which are compatible with ...
Hi, How we can install java agent in sparrow server. Can anyone send me ref./document link or complete steps which i have to follow.
HiThis might appear to be a silly question especially because I believe I know the answer... The scenario is that I have a JVM Tier instrumented with a Java Agent. This tier has some BT's that I do not want to instrument. Some of these generates a lo...
Hi, I have installed the javaagent on my Linux server, and I append javaagent script after my startup script. The whole script: "$JAVA_HOME/bin/java -jar /tmp/my-api.jar -ms64m -mx256m -javaagent:/opt/appdyn/javaagent/ -Dappd...
Hi,I'm working on instrumenting Java Lambda. My environment contains 2 lambdas. the first one is triggering the second one through SNS.Also, implemented the sns exit call from the first lambda.Now, I'm trying to correlate the business transaction to ...
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