Java (Java Agent, Installation, JVM, and Controller Installation)
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Forum Posts

Unable to drill down the End-End Latency Time (ms) in Business Transaction Snapshots in Appdynamics

We are trying to see why my application is taking too much as end-end latency time in business transaction snapshots shows a high value. We are unable to drill down the latency time when viewed details into it ?  Is there a way where we can see the f...

SarathKumarSarepaka_0-1724068657914.png SarathKumarSarepaka_1-1724068698764.png

Java agent issue:--> java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: java.lang.Throwable.getStackTraceElement(int) caught trying to reflect Throwable methods

Hello Team,We are getting below error, while deploying the java agent. For few min it's coming-up and after sometime the agent is crashing along with the application. It seems some issue while instrumentation the class. Below are the logs for you ref...