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03-19-2018 07:31 AM
Hi all,
I want to instrument my WebLogic with the Java Agent (version
The following parameters was added to the startup parameters of the WebLogic:
-Dappdynamics.agent.nodeName=myAppServer-instanceA -Dappdynamics.agent.tierName=myAppServer -javaagent:/applications/DBAPM/Core_Java/CURRENT/javaagent.jar -Dappdynamics.agent.logs.dir=/log/path/of/the/weblogic
(/applications/DBAPM/Core_Java/CURRENT/javaagent.jar is pointing to /applications/DBAPM/Core_Java/
I receive the following error within my agent.log:
[Thread-0] 19 Mar 2018 15:11:33,446 WARN AgentConfigWatchdog - Error in processing app-agent-config.xml Attribute name "fiss.soa.esb.listeners.message.MessageAwareListener" associated with an element type "include" must be followed by the ' = ' character.
I have the following questions on that:
1) Should I use the javaagent.jar from the "Global Folder" (/applications/DBAPM/Core_Java/CURRENT/javaagent.jar) or the "versioned Folder" (
2) Why does two javaagent.jar exists? (I have downloaded it from
3) Can the /applications/DBAPM/Core_Java/ be empty if all configs are placed in /applications/DBAPM/Core_Java/
10-05-2018 09:18 AM
I was actually wondering those same questions. Does anyone know?
Thanks guys.
10-05-2018 11:46 AM
Hi @Dalmer.Aranda and @Anonymous,
Please use the javaagent.jar from the Global directory. In this case, use one in the /applications/DBAPM/Core_Java/ directory. The agent_home in your setting is /applications/DBAPM/Core_Java/
The reason for having two directories is to avoid the hassle of reconfiguration in multiple places during upgrades.
Suppose you have agent version 4.5.0 and you have upgraded the agent to 4.5.2. If you have configuration provided in the <agent-install-dir>/<version>/conf, then you have to add the configuration in the <agent-install-dir>/<new version>/conf directory as well. If you place the configuration in the <agent-install-dir>/conf directory, even if you upgrade the agent you don’t have to reconfigure the configuration in <agent-install-dir>/<new-version>/conf.
Same is the case with javaagent.jar. If you have provided the <agent-install-dir>/javaagent.jar, then when a new version is added, you don’t have to change the startup script to reflect <agent-install-dir>/<new version>/javaagent.jar.
Hope it answers your question.
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