End User Monitoring (EUM)
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Forum Posts

Restriction over BRUM license usage

Hi All,- How to setup license restriction over BRUM. Eg: I need to setup restriction that only 50,000 page views should be used and in case 50,000 are used, no more page views should be allowed.Also, post usage of 50,000 unit, if we can allow few mos...

Timeline summary is missing fragments

In the timeline summary, only Activities tracking is being shown. As declared in the spec the library should also track Fragments but it doesn't happen.   Library version and Gradle plugin:  20.12.1   Is it issue in library implementation or wrong co...

Referral Traffic in EUM like Google Analytics

Hello,    In Google Analytics there are some types of traffic like : search traffic --> to know who visit the site through a web search  referral traffic --> traffic that comes from someone clicking a link to your site from another site direct traffi...

React Native, JavaScript/TypeScript unminifying and demangling stacktraces using and Sourcemaps to show a full stacktrace with methods, file paths

Dear AppDynamics community,We are looking for ways to upload source maps in order to see full stacktraces for errors and crashes in our React Native mobile apps.Please let us know if there is a way to do so?For reference, here is how its done in othe...