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Dashboard Reports Display Loading Screen After Controller Upgrade to


Anyone else experiencing their Dashboard reports not displaying properly after upgrading to 4.3.7? The emailed report displays a loading screen with the new AppD backdrop, which is also what is saved as a png file in the output folder on the controller host. We've tried changing the deeplink from the host to localhost as well as adjusting the millisecond timeout in various js files under reports/lib without luck.




Hi Razziq,



Check the resolved issues section at 


The issue you are seeing appears to be similar as below issue:


Controller-Platform All Dashboard Report PDF shows loading symbol and nothing else CORE-77415


This issue should have been addressed already in one of the 4.3.x release. Reach out to support by opening a ticket to them and refer to the above information and see if they can help.






Thanks for the information. We've had a ticket open with support for quite a few weeks now without a resolution. I'll add information regarding this fix to the ticket as well. As a side note we recently upgraded to and that's when the issue started.



Hi Razziq,


Is it a on-premise or SAAS controller ? If it is an on-premise controller, try reverting it back to the previous version or upgrade it to the latest version of the controller that's available at this point & see if that helps. If it's a SAAS based controller, ask AppD support ( vendor) team to upgrade it to the latest version.




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