Hello,I have a .NET Transaction Rule named: "/ws/rest/api" The matching Rule is a Regex:/ws/rest/api/V[0-9].[0-9]/pthruA couple of examples of the the URLs that would match this rule are:/ws/rest/api/V3.0/pthru/workingorders/ws/rest/api/V4.0/pthru/...
Hello, I would like to create a table in a Dashboard that includes either the Baseline metrics or an Avg for a different time period. i.e. if the Table is showing for the last 1 week, I would like to see the Avg of the previous week as well.
I am trying to create an Analytic query that would show the top 5 BTs with Error counts.
TransactionName 3
I'm not great at building SQL or Analytics queries. : )
Thanks for any help, much appreciated.
Has anyone else found it annoying to try and sift through the Timeline Table when analyzing a Session? The timeline table can be 100+ rows, but it only shows you several depending on your resolution. There's no way I found to expand this T...
Hello, I am trying to get a Chart that would tell me the % of calls that had an error. However, I can't find a Metric for this. I was thinking, maybe I could obtain this metric by combining Calls per minute and Errors per minute metrics. For examp...