Splunk AppDynamics

SSRS Monitoring

New Member


We have configured .net agnet for monitoring SSRS Application it but while checking in tier new instances are getting discovered on dialy basis, any idea how to identify it or can we configure only those services which needs to be moinitored. License is too getting consumed for that reason.

Also on which pattern do we need to create Business Transactions.

Any suggestions.

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0 Karma


Can you please confirm if these nodes are reporting from same server or different server ? That is do you have multiple instances SSRS running on multiple servers ?

As suggested before please try using node name
<node name="HostName-NodeName"/>

0 Karma

New Member


There is only one SSRS server and all nodes are reporting to same server.

As shown in snapshot above all nodes are discovered from same server and its getting incresing on dialy basis. 

Also which node(domain name) do we have to concentrate on?

Plsz suggest

0 Karma

As suggested in my previous couple of updates please provide node name.

0 Karma

New Member

Have created new node name with below settings:

<node name="HostName-NodeName"/>

Kept under observations. Will update it.

0 Karma

New Member

Not able to see any calls. Providing config.xml file contents fof ref.

Plsz suggets.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<appdynamics-agent xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<controller host="*.*.*.*" port="8090" ssl="false" enable_tls12="false">
<application name="Payment Hub UAT" />
<account name="customer1" password="***********" />
<machine-agent />
<standalone-application executable="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\ReportingServicesService.exe">
<tier name="SSRSTier_New" />
<node name="*.*.*.*-TestUAT"/>
<instrument-defaultdomain enabled="true"/>
<applications />


0 Karma


Hi Jubinp,

For configuration refer below

1. Create a Config.xml which contains all of your other instrumented applications plus the ReportingServicesService.exe windows service.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<appdynamics-agent xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<controller host="<CONTROLLER HOST>" port="<PORT>" ssl="true" enable_tls12="true">
<application name="<Application Name>" />
<account name="<ACCOUNT>" password="<ACCESS KEY>" />
<machine-agent />
<applications />
<standalone-application executable="C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRS11.MSSQLSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer\bin\ReportingServicesService.exe">
<tier name="SSRS Reporting" />
<instrument-defaultdomain enabled="true" /> 

2. Restart the Service and the AppDynamics Coordinator Service

3. From you controller enable the following Properties from the App Server Agent Configuration at the 'SSRS Reporting' tier level
enable-soap-header-correlation => true
thread-correlation => true (if it does not exist you will have to create it)
Optional (If this is the starting tier, you will need to disable ASP.NET automatic detection and create a new POCO Custom Match Rule)
SSRS - Split based on Report Names

Create following POCO Rule
Class : Microsoft.ReportingServices.Library.RenderReportAction Method :PerformExecution Splitter 1 Object Instance Getter Chain of m_reportContext.ReportDefinitionPath Optional (If this tier is a downstream tier, do not create the POCO rule and make sure ASP.NET automatic detection is enabled). This will allow the appdynamics correlation to propagate from the upstream tier to the reporting tier. Restart the Service and the AppDynamics Coordinator Service and your Application Flow map should be similar to this.

For the multiple node issue are these nodes getting created from a single server? Can you navigate to couple Node Dashboards and identify whether these are getting created for different AppDomains ( the link at the end shows how to check that)?

The report executions happen in default AppDomain so we can just target this particular AppDomain monitoring


Note : Change the extension to PDF



Path Finder
Hi. We are in a similar situation. We have configured our standalone agent config to only utilize the default domain. Without this, the agent registers ~50 new nodes, which we don’t want. When we just utilize the default domain, neither the agent or any business transactions register. We are utilizing the POCO rule, but are unable to apply the tier level agent settings, because the app agents do not register. Are we sure that the default domain handles report executions?
0 Karma


Also seems like this is a good candidate for a KB article so I will create and publish that.



0 Karma

New Member

Thanks for your response.

Currently we are getting multiple node entries under one tier:


While going through the link shared "Default domian" is the actual one and others are not necessary, so do we have to config only "default" one for Reportingservices? 

Also for BT discovery on what pattern do we have create it. 

0 Karma

New Member

Any suggestions??

0 Karma



  So all the duplicate nodes that you see are for "DefaultDomain" or you meant only DefaultDomain is the one which is reporting and rest are just empty nodes?

You can just target instrumentation for DefaultDomain like below

<standalone-application executable="MyApp.exe" app-domain-name="DefaultDomain.exe">
<tier name="StandaloneApplication Tier"/>

Or you can hardcode the node name like below. Any name can be provided but make sure to provide a unique node name if SSRS service is instrumented on multiple servers

<standalone-application executable="MyApp.exe" >
<tier name="StandaloneApplication Tier"/>
<node name="HostName-NodeName" </standalone-application>



New Member


Currently all other nodes are getting calls for it. While going through the document shared which domain needs to be monitored there are multiple domain identify while checking in settings clr tab for each discover node, so which one to go with there is no information from application team.

0 Karma
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