AppDynamics Knowledge Base

How do I use the Analytics Agent health check URL?

How do I use the Analytics Agent health check URL?

Use the Analytics Agent health check URL in order to check the flow of business transactions and logs, as well as the connection status from the server where the Analytic Agent is hosted to the Events Service.

Using curl on the command line, enter the health check URL and append the string ?pretty=true to format the output for readability.


curl http://localhost:9091/healthcheck?pretty=true

Note: Replace "localhost" with your public IP/DNS if you are accessing it from a different machine where the Analytic Agent is installed. The default Analytics Agent admin port is 9091.

Sample output:

curl http://localhost:9091/healthcheck?pretty=true
  "analytics-agent / Build information" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : ", buildHash=8992cf933916e227b6e7ac82a2f25bb15e6ef8d1, buildTimestamp=2017-03-09T01:20:14+0000, buildNumber=7902, jobName=build-analytics-shared, version="
  "analytics-agent / Configuration properties" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Dynamic properties: []"
  "analytics-agent / Connection to []" : {
    "healthy" : true
  "analytics-agent / Log Sources" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : ""
  "analytics-agent / http:eventType:publish:bt" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Rates (Avg per second. Avg of last 5 min) success: [0.000000], user error: [0.000000], timeout: [0.000000], error: [0.000000]"
  "analytics-agent / http:eventType:publish:log" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Rates (Avg per second. Avg of last 5 min) success: [0.000000], user error: [0.000000], timeout: [0.000000], error: [0.000000]"
  "analytics-agent / http:receive:bt[[/v1/sinks/bt/*, /v2/sinks/bt/*]]" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "Rates (Avg per second. Avg of last 5 min) success: [0.000000], user error: [0.000000], timeout: [0.000000], error: [0.000000]"
  "analytics-agent / pipelines" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "[16] pipeline(s). bt-publish-0: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    bt-publish-1: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    bt-publish-2: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    bt-publish-3: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    bt-publish-4: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    bt-publish-5: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    bt-publish-6: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    bt-publish-7: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    log-publish-7: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    log-publish-6: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    log-publish-5: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    log-publish-4: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    log-publish-3: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    log-publish-2: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    log-publish-1: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0],    log-publish-0: [MessageSourceStage: 1, EventServicePublishStage: 0]"
  "analytics-agent / queues" : {
    "healthy" : true,
    "message" : "[2] queues [[biz_txn_v1] ratio: [0.00], size: [0], capacity: [128], [log_v1] ratio: [0.00], size: [0], capacity: [128]]"
  "deadlocks" : {
    "healthy" : true
Elements  Details
analytics-agent / Build information
Top level, if healthy indicates all sub-components are healthy as well. Contains the version number as well.

"analytics-agent / Connection to []"

Where is the Analytics Connecting to and in this case its SAAS events-service API
analytics-agent / http:eventType:publish:bt

This is a method which processes the incoming business transaction analytics data and sends it to the Events Service. 0.0000000 means no activity. 1.000000 means maxed out.

Average over last five minutes.

analytics-agent / http:receive:bt[/v1/sinks/bt/*]
This is a method to which data is received from server agents configured to send business transaction analytics data. Average over last five minutes.
analytics-agent / pipelines
16 pipelines total (current default). These processes the messages to be sent to the publish service.
analytics-agent / queues
Queue size default is 128. biz_txn_v1 refers to the queue for business transaction analytics data. If the queue is full, could be indicative of network and auth issues.

Note: If there's an authentication issue while connecting to Events Service,  the output would show as below:

  "analytics-agent / Connection to []" : {
    "healthy" : false,
    "message" : "Status code: [401], Message: The supplied auth information is incorrect or not authorized."

To resolve the authentication issue, check that the event name, account name, and access key within the Analytic Agent properties file are set up correctly. Refer to the following link for details: Installing Agent Side Components.

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Thanks for the article. I was wondering how I find what port my Analytics agent is running on or is it 9091 for everyone?




9091 is the administrative port of the analytic-agent and 9090 is the default analytic-agent port and you can find it easily from your file located under the conf dir of the analytic-agent home.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-07-2017 09:28 AM
Updated by: